What is it about Sunday Mornings
Well here we are again. It's Sunday morning and I am work again why Katy snoozes through a lazy Sunday morning lie in. I wasn't going to go to work. But as my PC at home for some reason doesn't want anything to do with blogging software and its such a nice morning. I thought that I might as well get organised for the week while sipping coffee over looking the chianti country side. Lifes not all that bad!
We have loads of stuff on at the present. We are just about to open our new hostel in Prague, so I am in the process of buiding a new website for that along with a major revamp of the Plus website
Both are due to go live before christmas. And I wonder what I am doing here on a Sunday again!
I was scanning through a few blogs last night and came across something that I had a chuckle about. Hostelworld is taking on Google!!!
If I had a Euro for everytime that I heard that Hostelworld was being bought,out taken over or getting out of hostel reservations I think that I may be rather rich! Me thinks that there may be quite a few people in the Irish IT indusry that have spent to much time kissing the Blarney stone. Mind you you never know- Ray needs a new Porsche soon.
For those in Florence over the next couple of weeks check out the Christmas Market- The Heidleberg markets in Piazza Santa Croce. The Hotdogs with Saurkraut are amazing!! Apparently there is also a Scottish market as well, so i will check those out next week.
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